Sunday, 5 August 2007

About 28 hours. That's how long SOH lasted before realising that he could live with mains hum, he needs wireless internet radio. Knew it was going to happen, I know him too well.

Unfortunately, it meant tackling the pretty dire Sunday public transport they have round here. Key in your request to National Rail Enquiries or Arriva, you get nothing but a page of someone clothed in blue and green rolling on the floor and wetting themselves laughing. Well, OK, not quite, but they might as well. Getting into Rhuddlan wasn't too bad but getting back I knew would be hassle. Eventually we got a cab all the way home; the cabbie was on his last shift ever with the company and just charged us a tenner, cos he really didn't give a stuff - had a new job delivering Welsh meat in London.

Two cups of tea and a bacon sandwich later, I've relaxed. And it's been worth it for the smile on the SOH's face.

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