Saturday, 26 September 2009

It seems my Guardian Angel must have had one too many Specials in the Cherubim and Seraphim lately, cos it just ain't going my way.

I should be writing the latest SHOTS reviews (Geezer Girls by Dreda Say Mitchell and Day Of The Jack Russell by Colin Bateman), but maybe unsurprisingly, I can't get motivated.

1. The diabetes test came back clear.  After a bit of contemplation, decided that I would wait and see if the docs will get in contact and just put it down as one of those things....more later down the list.

2. I've chipped a tooth.  Again.  Doesn't hurt, as the tooth is well filled and likely dead.  However, it is rubbing on the inside of my cheek.  A concern as I think I've run out of insurance for the year.

3. Letter from docs this morning.  The vampires want more blood and I'm really confused as to the difference between this test they want and the test they've got.  Won't find this out until Monday when I can ring them.

4. In conjunction with 1. and 3. have been referred to Opthamology in St Asaph.  A route I really didn't want to go down.

5. I tripped and fell over the low fence at Pensarn and grazed my hand and knee, the latter still hurts like buggery.

Smile, Fiona.  Yep.  Okay.

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