Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Am I ready for Christmas?  Are you kidding?  Bah humbug can't wait until Saturday :-)

Starting to get seriously worried about my left eye.  Am going to docs next week for some advice, I may get referred back to the specialist.  Anyhow, I'm starting to get weird, but blessedly brief, "dizzy" spells.  I haven't fainted yet, no nausea, no unusual headaches, so I'm not's just an irritation and distraction I can do without.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Good job I made no reference to who I thought below was, as after a convo this week I found I was wrong.  Happens a lot :-)

Thursday, 3 December 2009

What is the balance between good productivity and high morale?  A fine one, it seems, and those that think that morale is unimportant when work is coming out their ears are cruising for implosion or maybe mass GBH from those around them. 

Friday, 13 November 2009

It's been a relatively quiet couple of weeks.  Not much to say really.  Starting to finally get used to my new glasses, although I go boss-eyed when I take them off.  Oh, one thing though, they want to do one more (final, this is absolutely the last one promise) blood test to check for high calcium levels.  Going in next Wednesday.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Got my new glasses the other day, and after putting them on,  I just feel boss-eyed.  It's like my left eye is going "nah, man, can't handle this" and my right eye seems to be trying to over-compensate. Going to have to see how things go I guess, and that was an unintentional pun.  So I'm alternating between the old and the new.  Back to work tomorrow.  Ugh.

And yeah, I've switched AdSense on.  It gives me some amusement actually, with what it comes up with sometimes.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

What I got is an early onset cataract in my left eye.

Nah - s'ok - I'm quite relieved actually.  I've gone through the last couple of months thinking that I've been going slowly insane.  The diagnosis has lifted a weight off my shoulders knowing what will be, will be and at least it's treatable....if it gets worse.  And there should be more in the NHS like that doctor I saw today.  He was brilliant.

Now for new glasses.  :-)

Monday, 5 October 2009

Blood sugars.  Clear.  Ability of hospital to send appointment to correct address.  Quite low actually.  Was supposed to be tomorrow, but guess it will be next week now.  Jaw and knee still sore.  Miserable bitch aren't I.  Time to look for some good news.

Monday, 28 September 2009

Oh yeah.  6.  I now seem to have an abscess on the left side of my jaw now.  Great.

Saturday, 26 September 2009

It seems my Guardian Angel must have had one too many Specials in the Cherubim and Seraphim lately, cos it just ain't going my way.

I should be writing the latest SHOTS reviews (Geezer Girls by Dreda Say Mitchell and Day Of The Jack Russell by Colin Bateman), but maybe unsurprisingly, I can't get motivated.

1. The diabetes test came back clear.  After a bit of contemplation, decided that I would wait and see if the docs will get in contact and just put it down as one of those things....more later down the list.

2. I've chipped a tooth.  Again.  Doesn't hurt, as the tooth is well filled and likely dead.  However, it is rubbing on the inside of my cheek.  A concern as I think I've run out of insurance for the year.

3. Letter from docs this morning.  The vampires want more blood and I'm really confused as to the difference between this test they want and the test they've got.  Won't find this out until Monday when I can ring them.

4. In conjunction with 1. and 3. have been referred to Opthamology in St Asaph.  A route I really didn't want to go down.

5. I tripped and fell over the low fence at Pensarn and grazed my hand and knee, the latter still hurts like buggery.

Smile, Fiona.  Yep.  Okay.

Friday, 18 September 2009

MM liked pressies.  Pleased about that as I wasn't sure, I'm pants at buying them.  Although a good day (always a good day when there's cake in the office), there isn't a lot else going on, so it's just another mediocre end to a mediocre week.  I've stopped worrying about my eyes at least.  :-)

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

{{{{Sigh}}}}.  Okay.  Blood sugar test booked.  Screening at opticians done.  Answers/results could take up to two weeks.

In other news, MM, who has some problem with her knee meaning she has trouble walking and the painkillers are making her sick, made me laugh until my guts ached today, as we each bemoaned our situation to the point of hysteria.  You had to be there.  :-)

Monday, 14 September 2009

MM managed to take my mind off things today..a bit.  Opticians phoned to get me to move the dilation appointment, to tomorrow, (originally 22 Sept), cos the Optician is on hols from Wednesday and wanted to get the referral written before then.  Mixed messages from doctors.  Gone from sad to a bit peeved, cos I am really really confused as to what my next move is supposed to be after the referral.  Guess I will find out tomorrow.  At least, I hope so.

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Bugger.  Stuff was going so well.  Whether very gradually, or, more worryingly, quicker, my left eye has gone from being mildly short-sighted (like my right eye) to very mildly long sighted.  Optician today refused to give me new glasses and has sent me to my doctor, so now I'm going to have diabetes tests, and after, who knows what.  Trying to be cheerful, but feeling pretty miserable.  Wanted to keep this blog text only, but, frankly, the below is still (just) keeping me smiling.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Okay, back to the morgue today.  Still a morgue.  Loads of chat about what the company are or are not saying blah blah blah.

Terribly complacent about this aren't I?  Although something is niggling at the back of my mind that is causing me sleeping problems, again, probably related to what is going on at work and maybe I'm suffering from some form of denial.

But, why worry, really?  What will happen, will happen.  My philosophy, always has been.  You can maybe pray for a smooth ride in this life, but not to influence another's decision, particularly if it's not your control.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Perhaps this is a good time to resurrect, actually.

Today, the threat of the dreaded big R was haunting our workplace today, and apparently has since Thursday. Honestly, it was like a morgue today at work, first day back after a week off.

Now, I haven't been threatened with the big R, but it hasn't stopped the odd team member trying to work out what they would get paid IF the R hits. (...yeah...I'd get just over a year's net pay..erhem).

Anyway. Apart from the mostly unsubstantiated gossip, based around what the GOC will do next, how safe our jobs are, etc, etc ad nauseum etc, the day was spent sorting out the errors made on a particular task, overpayments, and by far my most favourite activity: winding up MM.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Although I don't see myself as a brilliant writer, I've read over most of my posts here and thought...was this really me? I can be quite humorous and honest when I put my mind to it. Maybe it's time to resurrect this ol' dinosaur.