Sunday, 23 December 2007

It doesn't matter who you are, where you are or what you do, the last week in December is always a time of reflection.

This year, I only have the last two working days of work for Christmas, and in my business you really don't feel very Christmassy in the lead-up, except maybe on Christmas Day, by which time it always seems like an anti-climax.

However, every year about this time, you're looking back over the year, thinking of the shitty times and hoping the next year is better. Isn't this just wishing your life away in a different form? I can't help thinking forward. I'm not a planner, more a by-the-seat-of-my-pants sorta girly, wondering what's going to happen next, or more often, ostriching myself in the proverbial sand.

2008 will be my last full year in debt. This time next year, I will be looking at my blog thinking there is just over 3 months to go and I will be beholden to no-one. Soon I will be counting off the days like a personal advent calendar, much like I did during my final written warning period.

Stupid way to live really. I should be making plans - like losing weight, stopping smoking, getting my career on a path that is more satisfying - and yet - typical British Human Female - I'm running up and down on the same spot very quickly just to function.

Enough of the morbid reverie. It's Christmas Eve tomorrow and I've got to work. There will be food everywhere and just maybe I'll be let off early. There's a gorgeous lump of prize beef waiting to be roasted on the day and a husband who is really happy with his lot and frankly, so am I. I don't need to strive for happiness - no-one does - they have their dice or whatever God has given them and there is gold there if they can only look for it.

1 comment:

Eileen H said...

Wishing you a very happy Christmas and prosperous New Year, neighbour.